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BookFest Author Collaborations

Some of the authors who have participated in BookFest have been working together on some interesting new projects:

At The Shops at the Senator’s House, during the authors’ meeting, Tim Bullard, author of Haunted Watauga County, interviewed Doug Butler, author of After Appomattox: NC Civil War Monuments. The interview was published in the Mooresville Tribune and the Morganton News-Herald.

Ginger Collins is putting together some exciting programs for the Alleghany Arts Council. Georgann Eubanks, author of Literary Trails of North Carolina series, will be discussing her newest book Literary Trails of Eastern North Carolina at the Alleghany County Library. Ms. Eubanks had planned to be at November’s BookFest, but was unable to attend. The program will be Saturday, January 18 at 11:00 am.

Next month William L. Andrews, UNC professor and author of The North Carolina Roots of African-American Literature will give a presentation. His program will be Saturday, February 8, at 11:00 am at the Alleghany County Library.

Information on upcoming BookFest events will be coming soon.

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Rural Center Uses Our Rural Image

We were fortunate, this Christmas season, to have one of our photographs selected by the Rural Center for their Holiday Card. The image is of G.C. Green’s farm at New Hope (Laurel Springs area) in Alleghany County. The emails went out statewide and bumped our web site traffic this week. Thank You to the folks in Raleigh for giving us some exposure and highlighting our area!

The Rural Center is an outstanding resource that serves 85 NC Counties, and we appreciate their efforts on our behalf!