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Black Family History Books Are In!

The first of Lorene Sturgill's history of the Blacks in Alleghany County, North Carolina.
The first of Lorene Sturgill's Black Family history books

We’ve received the first batch of the Descendants of William Black and Nancy Allison family history books, and we couldn’t be prouder. For information on the book, we invite you to visit Star Route Books. Or order your own copy here.

From Changes Wrought by Time by Dr. O. R. Black included in The Descendants of William Black and Nancy Allison:

“The last time I was here the cemetery looked like a beautiful flower garden, made possible by many who have loved ones resting in this Silent City of the Dead. I was glad to note that no grave was slighted. This was as it should be – flowers for all.

Mount Zion United Methodist Church in Piney Creek, North Carolina. (Photo by Jeff Halsey)
Mount Zion United Methodist Church in Piney Creek, North Carolina. (Photo by Jeff Halsey)

“I read names on many markers that were not here forty years ago when I left. Names of many of my associates, school mates, friends and relatives were noted – so many changes wrought by time.

“As I look back over the dim vista of years, when neighbors, relatives and friends gathered at the old church for Sunday School and Church service, many walking several miles, there was then that feeling of love and friendship displayed that has never been forgotten. I can almost imagine that I recognize now several voices in the choir singing “Nearer My God to Thee” and “How Firm A Foundation Ye Saints of the Lord.” As I visualize my boyhood days at church I see the congregation on bended knees, and hear the earnest prayers and supplications offered by many of the faithful in the church. I cherish many sacred memories of my boyhood days in Sunday School and Church work at Mt. Zion Church.”

Mt. Zion Church Cemetery. (Photo by Jeff Halsey)
Mt. Zion Church Cemetery. (Photo by Jeff Halsey)

From the Acknowledgements Page:

“On July 1, 1961 many of the descendants of William Black, who came to America from Glasgow, Scotland around 1817, gathered at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church in Alleghany County, North Carolina for the purpose of establishing an organization of the Black family.

“Although this idea had been considered by many of the group before this time, it was Dr. Oscar R. Black of Landis, N.C. who became keenly interested in effecting the organization and gave impetus to the idea.

“At the initial meeting each relative identified himself and his relationship to William Black. A special welcome was given to visiting cousins from Scotland and from South Africa. These were the Rev. James Hamilton, his wife, Olive Black Hamilton, and their daughter Allison, of Glasgow, Scotland, who came to Asheville, N.C. in the summer of 1961. The Rev. Hamilton came as an exchange minister to the Beaver Lake Presbyterian Church.

“Naomi Black, originally of Glasgow, but now residing in Durban, South Africa, is serving as a nutritionist in a government hospital there. She joined the Hamiltons during the summer. Olive and Naomi, sisters, are great-granddaughters of James Black, brother of William Black.

“The story told by Olive Hamilton of finding old letters in the attic of her father’s home in Paisley, Scotland from relatives in America written many years ago was of great interest to the group. Her interest in these letters resulted in correspondence with Hazel Black Linn, daughter of Dr. O. R. Black, and eventually led to a visit to America by Olive and her family…

“The committee wishes to acknowledge each contribution and to thank each person who has contributed in any way to the information compiled for this book. We are deeply indebted to the late Dr. Oscar R. Black who spent endless hours in research and compiled the first history of the Black family. Without this history it would have been impossible to present many of the facts given in this book.”

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Missouri Daughters Honor WWII Women in a New Book

Imaging Specialists is working closely with the Missouri State Society, Daughters of the American Revolution on a new book about working women in World War II. Friends and family members have written stories and supplied photographs of honorees to be included in the not-yet-titled project.

The ladies are called  “Rosies” in the book, after “Rosie the Riveter,” a term that Wikipedia says “was first used in 1942 in a song of the same name written by Redd Evans and John Jacob Loeb. The song was recorded by numerous artists, including the popular big band leader Kay Kyser, and became a national hit. The song portrays “Rosie” as a tireless assembly line worker, doing her part to help the American war effort.

All the day long,
Whether rain or shine
She’s part of the assembly line.
She’s making history,
Working for victory
Rosie the Riveter

J. Howard Miller’s “We Can Do It!” poster is planned to be featured on the cover with some minor typographical changes.

Also according to Wikipedia, “In 1942, Pittsburgh artist J. Howard Miller was hired by the Westinghouse Company’s War Production Coordinating Committee to create a series of posters for the war effort. One of these posters became the famous “We Can Do It!” image—an image that in later years would also become “Rosie the Riveter”, though this was not intended at its creation. Miller based his “We Can Do It!” poster on a United Press photograph taken of Lansing, Michigan, factory worker Geraldine Doyle. Its intent was to help recruit women to join the work force. At the time of the poster’s release the name “Rosie” was not associated with the image.”

From the MSN website: “For years, Doyle signed Rosie the Riveter t-shirts, posters, and more. While many profited from her image, she never charged a penny to fans, her daughter said.

“She would say that she was the ‘We Can Do It!’ girl,” Gregg told the Lansing State Journal. “She never wanted to take anything away from the other Rosies.”

Thank you to Mrs. Doyle and all “Rosies” everywhere. May your stories of service and sacrifice help to inspire a new generation.

Imaging Specialists is proud to be a part of this patriotic project to honor these homefront heroes.

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Get Ready to Get Wet This Summer!

Fodder Trot Trail, Sparta, North Carolina
Fodder Trot Trail, Sparta, North Carolina

The Fodder Trot Trail Corn Maze will be under way before you know it and this year’s theme is the NEW RIVER! The maze will include lots of neat river features and information. ISI has helped with signage and banners and even the website for Corn-Central, USA.

We’re joining the New River bandwagon, this summer with the National Geographic New River Blueway Maps. These Waterproof, Tear-resistant Maps are the best we’ve ever seen. They follow the entire length of the New from North Carolina to West Virginia. Nat-Geo has produced a functional map no clear-water canoe enthusiast should be without.

Virginia Canals and Navigations Society ©2003
Virginia Canals and Navigations Society ©2003

We also now carry The New River Atlas, a book by the Virginia Canals & Navigations Society that details the New River along its path from its Blue Ridge head waters to the Kanawha River. According to the Society’s website, the book includes lots of science, history and “the best river maps EVER.”

Come to the Blue Ridge this summer to wiggle your toes in the cleanest, clearest water on the planet, and stop by Imaging Specialists for your all your navigational needs!

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Thursday, June 2, from 3-6:00 pm, we’ll host book signings at The Sparta Store for two books we’ve helped with.

Dr. Suzanne Mellow Irwin and Zach Hamm, author and illustrator of the children’s book, The Stratford Oaks Tales, The Tale of Gretchen, and Kate Clay Bodeen, author of Pat Crisp, Like a Moth to the Flame, a historical book about her grandfather, will be here. Both books are currently available at The Sparta Store, online and in-store.

Suzanne and Zach will be at the store, and Kay will be next door at the Alleghany Historical Museum.

The Museum is hosting Business After Hours for the Chamber of Commerce, but the food and drinks will in our store. It will definitely be a collaborative effort.

The event is co-hosted by Alleghany County Library. David, Gary, and Ernest Joines volunteered to supply old-time music.

Come out and see everyone!
If you really need a reason to come out on a Thursday night, you might want to…

Support our local authors.
Check out the Education in Alleghany Exhibit at the Museum.
Listen to David, Gary, and Ernest play.
Talk to Bob and Debbie and learn about the services the Chamber and Library offer our community.

We look forward to seeing you on June 2!

If you’ve got a book you need help with, or just a good idea, contact us today!


Now you check out video from the event:

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ISI Launches New Book Site – STAR ROUTE BOOKS

Star Route Books is the name of our new imprint, or the name for the line of books we generate. We will continue to concentrate on regional, historical and cultural subjects and feel this name fits our rural roots perfectly. Growing up, my family addressed mail to my grandparents, “Star Route, Sparta,” so to us, the name has a nice, down home quality.

Star Route Books Logo

According to the National Postal Museum website, “In 1845, postal officials tried a new approach to expand the nation’s mail service—Star Routes. The Post Office Department hired contractors for these new routes and allowed them to use any form of transportation they chose to carry the mail, from canoes to snowshoes. The mail has traveled along this network of Star Routes across America’s valleys, mountains, rivers, and highways ever since.”

Contractors were “to carry the mail with ‘celerity (speed), certainty, and security‘.”

I can’t think of a better way to describe our commitment to our customers. Imaging Specialists has delivered superior quality and service for over 20 years- from our beginnings as a trade shop for the printing industry, to the full service graphics we offer today.

If you need help with your novel, cookbook, family album- or whatever project you have in mind, we can help you get from an idea to a finished product. Contact us today!

Star Route Books is at