We’re working, this week, on the Spring newsletter for Piney Creek United Methodist Church. This expanded edition features Christmas news and photos of their renovated kitchen area. The kitchen improvements are important to the church. The ladies host fundraising breakfasts in the fellowship hall and needed a more modern facility for their project.
ISI builds the newsletter and adds photography to images and text supplied by the Church. ISI authored, maintains and hosts the Charge website.
ISI also produces the newsletter for the Alleghany Historical – Genealogical Society. The quarterly newsletter contains historical photographs, research articles and current club news for members. ISI designs and produces the entire newsletter for AHGS from concept to printing. Additionally, ISI authored, maintains and hosts AHGS.org.
Newsletters inform, unite and motivate members. They also encourage new membership and donations. Newsletters are effective, in any format- printed, emailed, or on a website. Online, PDFs work very well as they can be formatted for optimum appearance, security and load times. A PDF file will look and reproduce consistently, regardless of the user’s hardware or operating system. Text and graphics display and print without degradation in quality, and PDF viewers are free to the user.
If your group needs an effective newsletter, contact Imaging Specialists, today.